- Alkitab Audio Indonesia offline app mp3 Free Alkitab (bahasa Inggris: Bible) adalah sebutan untuk sekumpulan naskah yang dipandang suci dalam Yudaisme dan Kekristenan.
- Database untuk EasyWorship 2009 ini berisi. Download EasyWorship – Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia. Thanks to Liqlo.com sdh berbagi video animasi easy worship.
- Pada dasarnya dari dulu, easyworship emang gak pernah ngeluarin alkitab bahasa indonesia. Makanya sekarang pun di easyworship 6, juga masih gak ada alkitab indonesianya. Tb.ewb itu hasil buatan orang, yang entah dari mana, tiba2 muncul tu filenya. Infonya pernah ane dapet/baca, tapi ane lupa dimana.
- Free Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Easy Worship 2009 Download
- Free Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Easy Worship 2009ia Untuk Easyworship 2009

Alkitab Indonesia, free alkitab indonesia software downloads. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia online, kemudian kami mengubahnya menjadi Kamus Bersama Bahasa Indonesia online dengan nama domain yang tetap www.kbbi.web.id yang adalah kamus ekabahasa Indonesia pertama dan telah sudah bisa diakses sejak November 2007.
Indonesian Bible (TB)
Suryanto Kwok
Please include:
Indonesian BibleIndonesia

You know we are considered stupid to buy the original EasyWorship while in Indonesia, there are so many pirate software. But we really disappointed that even we bought the original software, we don't have the Indonesian Bible. Until now, we are not using version 6, we are still using version 2009. Someone in Indonesia made the bible for us to use in Easyworship..
Hope we'll received good news soon.
PS. I can send you the 2009 Indonesian Bible if you want to look or edit it..
efendi naftali
efendi naftali
John Mayo
Note to Development Group: Please expedite this integration/conversion of the 'TB Bible' to EW6 ... Rodger says on the way but not knowing when is frustrating after all this time and patience. Great product and development ... just need this to support our Indonesian congregation in Canada ... sooon please! Maintaining encouraging words for this development through all forums that are available to us.
Henny Krisnadi
May I have the 2009 Indonesian Bible, please? Our email is nationsworhipcenter@yahoo.com
Thank you very much
Yosia Yusuf
Hi, can I also have TB Bible for EW6? Our email is office@rocksydney.org.au
Many thanks to the developer and praying that it will be ready soon
Hero Kao

thank you all...
Media Gereja Kasih Kristus
Anton Surya
tb ew2009 itu beda banget database nya dengan ew6, jadi ga bisa dari lama diedit ke baru.
bahkan tb ew2009 aja ga tau siapa yang buat tuh.
David Adi Oswari
I just purchased EW6 and to my dissapointment, when I look to download / purchase Indonesian Bible, it's not available. Then i search this support forum and find quite a lot of people requesting this Indonesian Bible. Easy Worship 6 is not a cheap product to begin with. And looking at the level of commitment the development team has put to the program software, I really doubt that it will need such a long time to provide this bible in EW6 format. Looking around the forum, you have even have the bible in EW2009 format uploaded by someone asking for your help to convert it to EW6.
So, to the develompent team at Softouch, please, if it's not asking to much, for us who has PURCHASED the EW6 for our Indonesia Churches, please don't keep us in the dark. Update us on the progress of this bible we need so much. After all, we have invest money in your product because we believe in the commitment you guys advertise in your website to support us.
Pastor David Adi
Suryanto Kwok
Stefen Mamile
We need this TB bible for EW6 too.
Please_smamile@yahoo.co.id.. Thank You.. God Bless us

Ricchie Sihite
We need this TB bible for EW6 too.
ricchie500@gmail.com Thank You.. God Bless us
Nehemia Helmi
i wnat to this TB bible for EW6 too......
God Bless us
Harry Lucaryu
How long it will be avaliable?
its say 'in progress'
Alkitab Bible Study 2.4 is designed to be a functional and useful open source and free desktop bible study software. It supports single/parallel view, commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, glossaries, daily devotions, etc. It also comes with powerful. ...
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SIDoBI is an automatic summarization system for documents in Indonesian language. It is an acronym for Sistem Ikhtisar Dokumen untuk Bahasa Indonesia. SIDoBI is built based on MEAD, a public domain portable multi-document summarization. ...
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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia online, kemudian kami mengubahnya menjadi Kamus Bersama Bahasa Indonesia online dengan nama domain yang tetap www.kbbi.web.id yang adalah kamus ekabahasa Indonesia pertama dan telah sudah bisa diakses sejak November 2007. ...
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- Windows
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