Hi Chris,
Firstly thanx for this great project which brings the old tech back to future...
I have some questions if you can help me with
1- i am bit confused. Your sparkfun module is converting the usb signal to RS232 or to UART ?
Because, if it is rs232, then you could directly connect it to the connector with no solder. But from your solder, i see that you solder them to UART and you also mentioned that the module is usb to rs232 converter.
2-i have HP7550 which has RS232, HPIB and i will try your method with that one. Hence, if you have any documentation etc for HP7550, i would really appreciate that.
3- i also have a Mutoh IP210 which also has the RS232 port and is based on HPGL. I believe i can apply the same method to this one. Some documentation for this one would really help me, too.

Rabbit Plotter Usb Driver

Plotter Drivers For Windows 10
For 2013 Model: For Windows. Driver Filename: FTDICDMSetup.exe Or you can Download Driver here. For Windows 8.1, Download Win8.1 Driver For Apple Mac. FTDIUSBSerialDriver.dmg Or you can Download Mac Driver here. Download driver for other platforms from Future Technology Devices. Driver Filename: PL2303ProlificDriverInstaller.exe Or you can Download Driver here. TPJET CPS/FC Inkjet Cutting Plotter USB Driver and Control Center Install Video for more details: www.atptec.com#printer#plotter#cutter#Gerber#Lectra#Bullmer.