The Walther PPK (Polizei Pistole Kriminal) was produced since 1930. It was developed for a hidden carriage. The engineers from Walther reduced the length, width and weight. The main difference to the PP is the frame with no back strap. this function was integrated in a single molded Grip. Also the grip was shortened, so the clip has only a capacity of 7 rounds. The shortness was balanced with a magazine-shoe on the bottom.
The PPK and the PP were also produced very successfully after war. Even James Bond had an Walther PPK.
Technical data:
While Walther’s P38 may have lacked the “fineness” and graceful lines of its predecessor the P08, nor the legendary thump of the.45-caliber 1911, it marks the starting point of the modern. American Rifleman’s Brian Sheetz takes to the MC1911S Hunter, a long-slide 1911 variant chambered for.
Caliber: | 7.65 mm |
Function: | Blowback; hammer outside; slide catch, double-action |
Barrel length: | 84 mm |
Weight: | 580 g |
Magazine capacity: | 7 rounds |
Production datas (for Wehrmacht only):
Company: | Waffenfabrik Walther |
Location: | Zella-Mehlis (Thüringen) |
Period: | 1940 - 1945 |
Amount: | 26.000 |
Serial numbers: | 270100K - 424619K |
The Walther PPK for the Wehrmacht was split in 3 major variations, according to the army acceptance and finish.
1st Variation (Highpolish-Finish with Army Acceptance E/359; approx. 3.500 pieces)

Legend: | Walther-Banner Waffenfabrik Walther Zella Mehlis (Thür) Walther's Patent Cal 7,65 m/m Mod. PPK |
Finish: | high polished Finish, blued |
Grips: | one piece chequered Bakelit with Walther-banner, brown |
Serial number: | 6-digits number with suffix 'K' right on frame 3-digits scratched inside of slide |
Acceptance stamp: | E/359 left on frame E/359 left on slide |
Test proof stamp: | E/N right on chamber E/N right on slide below ejection port E/N on barrel near muzzle |
WALTHER 06/05/2019
The 0 series of Walther made P.38's were used as troop trials in the field and modifications on the design were done in conjuction with performance reports. This experimental series was made to meet strict German military requirements.
First variation guns are in the 01-035 serial number range and will have the pre-1940 'lazy' c/n proof. Very few examples are known to exist. All small parts are hand fitted and numbered to the gun like the famous German Luger.
O Series 1st variation - 028a
Second variation guns are in the 036-01000 serial number range and are hard to find, they have a concealed extractor. The parts are still hand fitted but not all numbered to the gun. The proof was changed after 1940 the e/s that we see for the rest of the war.
O Series 2nd variation - 0858
Third variation guns are in the 02005-03478 serial number range and will have rectangular firing pins and an exposed extractor for better function.
0 Series 3rd variation with milled slide, matched mag and commercial production parts - 02007
0 Series 3rd variation with milled slide - 02321
0 Series 3rd variation - 02935
0 Series 3rd variation - 03339
Fourth variation guns are in the 03520-013714 serial number range for the final design with changes made on some of the internal parts for better performance.
0 Series 4th variation with half eagle on the slide, very rare. Half eagles are in the 02687-03170 for 3rd variation guns and 03652-03989 for 4th variation pistols - 03652
0 Series 4th variation - 05730
0 Series 4th variation with matched mag - 05731
0 Series 4th variation 'rig'with two matched mags - 06480
0 Series 4th variation with 'a' suffix, military grips and rectangular lanyard loop - 07547a
480 coded guns are in the 1-7374 serial number range and were issued to the military, replacing the Luger.
480 code - 172
480 code - 912
480 code - 5927
The short lived 480 code was changed to 'ac' in August of 1940 with a serial number range of 7384-9912 it is considered one of the most desirable of P.38 pistols produced during the war because of the long service and limited production.
AC no date - 7689
AC no date - 8048
In September of 1940 the order came down to mark the slides with the date so '40' was hand stamped on the slides. The serial number range is 9988-5942a
Two AC 40 added in the AC no date serial number range with one 480 40 added..rare 8263, 9249, 3478
AC 40 added serial number range 9988-5942a. 6,000 produced 145a
AC 40 added with HzA stamp... extremely rare only three reported 329a
AC 40 added 'Rig' with 2 matched mags with serial numbers stamped on the right side and electricpencilled serial numbers on the left. Very rare varation few known. 4528a
Later in production the ac 40 date was machine stamped on the slide. The serial number range is 5943a-9965b
AC 40 - 182b
AC 40 rework with odd unit marking on slide....unique
In 1941 production started with the number 1. First variation guns will have ac on the trigger guard, under the barrel with matched numbered grips and mags. The serial number range is 1-4833b
AC 41 1st variation 'rig' with two matched mags and Holster - 3744
AC 41 1st variation 'rig' with paper document GI Holster - 5030
AC 41 1st variation with mixed stamps, very rare. Serial range is scattered from 4610a to 7041a - 7041a
Second variation guns will no longer have ac on the trigger guard and barrel. The numbered grips were discontinued for expedience in production and interchangable parts. Two matched numbered mags were still issued and all the small parts will have the e/359 inspection stamps on them. This is the most common of the AC 41 variation guns found. Serial number range is 4833b-4527i with 70,000 produced.

AC 41 2nd variation 'rig' with two matched mags, transitional with e/359 under slide - 14d
AC 41 2nd variation 'rig' with two matched mags, holster and capture papers from the vet who brought it back - 7692d
AC 41 2nd variation 'rig' with two matched mags and holster it has the short lived open sear - 9506h
Third variation guns are the same as second variation guns but have a military finish instead of high polish. Serial number range is 5015i-9973j with 15,000 produced.
AC 41 3rd variation with matched numbered magazine - 696j
AC 41 3rd variation with original holster - 3903j
In1942 production will start at serial number 1, for First variation guns, and run through 1806b, they will have matched mags and all e/359 parts with 21,000 produced.
AC 42 1st variation with matched mag and holster - 6673
AC 42 1st variation - 6278a
Second variation guns will no longer have matched mags or all e/359 accepted parts. Some early guns may have a few left over e/359 parts assembled to the gun. Serial number range is 2181b-9197k with 100,000 produced.
AC 42 2nd variation - 1873f
In1943 production will start at serial number 1 and are basically the same as the second variaition AC 42's. Serial numbers run trough the 'g' block and will have the early frame and extractor cut, there is cross over from the first and second variation for these changes about 80,000 produced.
AC 43 1st variation most likely from the first day of producton with orginal holster - 188
AC 43 1st variation with original holster - 6803
AC 43 1st variation with a rare Christof Neuner hard shell holster - 7223a
AC 43 2nd variation serial number range late g block-310m. 50,000 produced
AC 43 3rd variation serial number range 310m-9993n. 20,000 produced
AC 43 3rd variation 'rig'.
AC 44 with original HJ belt, buckle and holster - 116g
AC 44 serial number range 1-9496l. 120,000 produced 'rig' with capture papers and vets story - 4332g
AC 44 with e/140 FN Frame - 5339g
AC 44 Trigger Guard Eagle - 6760g
AC 44 with e/140 FN Slide - 9786h
AC 44 with capture papers and docs - 3342i
AC 44 missing the e/s proof - 2286k
AC 44 with capture papers 'rig' - 7183k
AC 44 with WaA76 CZ barrel - 4265l
AC 44 and AC 45 trigger guard eagle guns
AC 45 1st variation 'rig' produced in January 1945, serial number range 1-2789c. 32,000 produced
AC 45 2nd variation serial number range 2572A-7874A
Four AC 45's consecutive serial numbers produced in February 1945
AC 45 'rig' with phosphated parts produced in March of 1945
AC 45 'rig' very similar to the one above, near the end of WWII production.
AC 45 with fnh WaA76 barrel
AC 45 8419b late war, missing the final acceptance stamp
AC 45 9984b missing final stamp
AC 45 'c' block all matching missing test proof parts produced in April 1945 - 258c
AC 45 'c' block all matched - 1678c
Three AC 45's Mismatched, made for American GI's who occupied the Walter plant.
AC 45 with a 'd' block barrel and FN frame - 2270c
AC 45 with 'in the white' hammer and no serial number on the frame
Mod HP frame gun from left over parts at the Walther factory for GI's with rare FN slide - 18376
AC Late frame made from spare parts with byf slide
Walther Pps M2 Serial Numbers Lookup
AC Late frame made from spare parts with ac 41 slide
DOV slide gun with paperwork from the vet and Warren Buxton
Walther Pp 7.65 Serial Numbers Lookup
Nickel plated AC41 with matched mag
Walther Model 4 Serial Number Lookup