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- Waves’ NS1 Noise Suppressor Offers More Than Simple Noise Removal. March 31, 2021 Andrew Sims. Background noise removal is one of the most common steps in preparing a podcast for release. Most recordings tend to have a hum or air-y background noise that is persistent throughout a track, so this step is almost always necessary.
Background noise removal is one of the most common steps in preparing a podcast for release. Most recordings tend to have a hum or air-y background noise that is persistent throughout a track, so this step is almost always necessary.
Audio editing programs are very aware of this issue, and they all have tools to tackle the background noise. But sometimes these background noise removal tools don’t remove all the issues that you’re hearing.
In those situations, it’s time to run another noise removal plugin. My personal favorite has been Waves’ NS1 Noise Suppressor tool. Not only does this tool offer a simple slider for removing background noise, but the biggest benefit is that it successfully tackles headphone leakage.
Headphone leakage is when a person’s microphone picks up the voices they’re hearing in their headphones (Side tip: ALWAYS wear headphones while recording). The best way to prevent this problem from occurring is by asking your panelists to keep their headphone volume on the lower side of the spectrum, but in my experience, people have a hard time remembering this rule.

Headphone leakage can be a big problem when you’re editing a podcast that was recorded via Zoom, Skype etc, when your panelists are recording themselves on their own computers, because the leakage will not stay in sync with the original track where those leaked vocals are found. (Note: If you’re recording the Zoom or Skype recording rather than local recordings, these apps will attempt to do their own headphone leakage removal, but that comes at the cost of the panelist with the problematic headphones having their own voice cut out in the event of cross talk).

When headphone leakage can be heard on someone’s track, it’s time to load up NS1 Noise Suppressor. In my experience, this plugin does an excellent job of wiping out most headphone leakage that occurs. This benefit was a big surprise because that type of noise is not a consistent sound. Unlike standard background noise like a ceiling fan or a nearby hum that carries a steady sound, a person’s voice is constantly changing, and yet, the Waves plugin tackles it with ease.
Of course, there are limitations to the plugin’s effectiveness. If a panelist is not wearing headphones (a cardinal sin), their microphone will be picking up other panelists very prominently. A panelist’s headphone volume could also just be extremely loud. In those situations, NS1 will not be able to determine which voices need to be removed.
One word of warning: Like most noise removal tools and techniques, applying too much removal can cause the vocals you actually want to keep to lose their clarity. I try to avoid turning the NS1 Noise Suppressor tool any higher than 30-40%, or else I’ll start noticing big drops in sound quality.
Finally, don’t be afraid to run this plugin on your file(s) more than once. I’ve found that it’s not always perfect after running it once, but running it a second time can take care of remaining issues. Again, you’ll need to be mindful of how much noise removal you’re applying.
Waves has several great plugins for podcasters and other people doing audio work. Last year I wrote about their DeBreath plugin, which helps you reduce the loudness of breaths in an audio track.
If you’re dealing with sound recordings then, I am sure there are numerous issues that can come along making them sound good. While the sound recorded, there are anomalies and noise problems which you can’t get away from, but Noise reduction software is your saving grace. So here is the list of best noise reduction plugins.
- 15 Zynaptiq‘Un-Series’ Repair Tools – Unique Sound Fixes
Cedar Studio –Serious Audio Restoration
Cedar Studio is the competitor in the industry thatis used by most of the professionals. It is available in software and hardwarewith different tools for different purposes. Mostly, studio professionals relyon Cedar Studio as the comprehensive set of Cedar software works inside DAWslike Pro Tools.
iZotope RX 7
iZotope RX 7 is a powerful and versatile audiorepair and restoration tool around and efficient to get rid of most anomaliesin recorded audio. iZotope RX 7 used by studio owners and industryprofessionals as well as bedroom hobbyists. Also, set an unbeatable mark forsolving audio problems that other software solutions couldn’t touch. Because ofthe versatility of the software suite, it can use for a multitude of tasks ofany size and fix whatever ails your audio.
Features of iZotope RX 7
- It comes with the repair assistant intelligently detects noise, clipping, clicks, hum, and other audio anomalies.
- Also, the music rebalances efficiently isolates individual elements of a track for correctness enhancement.
- It comes with a variable Time and Pitch enables the alteration of the pitch without affecting audio timing.
- iZotope RX 7 supports multichannel
- It has enhanced UI
- The dialogue contour of iZotope RX 7 improves pitch, performance, and intonation of spoken dialogue.
- Dialogue De-Reverb of iZotope RX 7 reduces reverberations in dialogue tracks.
Sonnox OxfordDeNoiser
Sonnox Oxford DeNoiser is the best tools with tons of useful features which enables to clean up the most problematic audio, like an integrated de-hisser, continual input analysis, and a Freeze Mode samples chunks of audio containing merely noise.
One of the best features of Oxford DeNoiser is that it can preserve the quality of the original recording with a useful post-processing Warmth Control. Moreover, Sonnox Oxford DeNoiser is the best for producing outstanding plug-ins at reasonable, also capable of delivering quality results instantly and more intensive tweaking and parameter fine-tuning.
Features of Sonnox Oxford DeNoiser
- It has separate sections to de-hissing, noise detection, and noise removal.
- It comes along with the high-resolution display of the input signal and noise profile.
- The frequency bias curve of Sonnox Oxford DeNoiser allows fine-tuning of noise threshold and reduction.
- It comes with the gain facilitates A/B comparison and mid-side mode.
Waves W43Noise Reduction Plug-in
Waves W43 Noise Reduction Plug-in is well-known for four fixed frequency bands that give a good range of noise reduction options. The plug-in is a worthy successor to the hardware as it draws inspiration from the legendary hardware noise reduction unit from the 1970s classic film processor.
Furthermore, W43 is versatile and great-sounding noise reduction plug-in which comes with a host of useful features to target and eliminate noise to a remarkably precise degree.
Features of Waves W43 Noise Reduction Plug-in

- It comes at an affordable price
- Waves W43 is easy to use
- It comes along with the multiple instances possible and zero latency.
- Waves W43 have the 24-bit/192kHz resolution.
AntaresSoundSoap 5
Now in the list of The 9 Best Noise Reduction Plugin Software for Music Production, we have Antares SoundSoap 5 which is a standalone app and a plug-in that works on different kinds of hosts. Antares SoundSoap 5 well-known for its simplicity and high-quality results.
Also, with a modest set of controls Sound Soap 5 effectively eliminates noise. Unfortunately, most of its best features are available only in the standalone app and limits usability too.
Features of Antares SoundSoap 5
- Antares SoundSoap 5 enhances hum removal algorithm
- It comes with audio metering and automatic noise detection.
- SoundSoap 5 able to set noise location.
- It supports FLAC and MP3.
- Antares SoundSoap 5 has full bypass facilitates A/B comparison and reset control.
Waves Z-Noise
Waves Z-Noise is one of the noise reduction plug-inswhich marketed under the Waves banner. It boasts the new proprietary algorithmthat aims to eliminate background noise from recordings without artifacts orcompromising audio quality. It is capable of reducing noise while retaininghigh-end detail and low-end clarity. The absence of smearing is one of thebiggest strengths of plugins.
Features Of Waves Z-Noise
- Waves Z-Noise has dynamic noise profiling and real-time operation.
- It extracts mode to create a noise profile from any audio
- It reduces time domain sensitivity eliminates smearing and preserves low frequencies.
- It has 5-band EQ and true broadband processing.
- Waves Z-Noise improves high-frequency detail.
Accusonus ERABundle
Accusonus ERA Bundle is best to set of noisereduction plug-ins which give great results with minimal effort. It has aunique ability to reduce noise via a single knob control. Accusonus ERA gives asurprising amount of flexibility with modest control as well as the automaticnoise profile. It has ERA-D that provides intelligent noise reductioncapabilities in a dual-channel configuration with the reverb reduction.
Features of Accusonus ERA Bundle
- It comes with five spectral presets for focusing on specific frequency bands and automatic noise profile estimation.
- Accusonus ERA Bundle has single knob noise reduction.
- It has enhanced the de-noise algorithm.

Waves NS1Noise Suppressor
Waves Ns1 Alternative
Waves NS1 Noise Suppressor is the best for home andstage that provides all the control needed for most basic tasks. Waves NS1 iseffective at removing noise without causing warbling and unwanted modulation,or other artifacts. It comes with the intuitive single-fader design andsuitable for cleaning up audio from a wide variety of sources.
Zynaptiq‘Un-Series’ Repair Tools – Unique Sound Fixes
If you want a specific set of repair tools then,look into Zynaptiq as it is well-known for making tools that nobody else hasmade before. The audio repair products offer the following tools
- Un-Veil: reduces the effects of natural reverb in recordings
- Un-Chirp: It removes watery artifacts
- Un-Filter: un-EQ audio from resonances, comb-filtering, roll-offs and more.
I hope this article has helped you know about lucky patcher app. Do comment below if you have any queries and allow us to serve better. Share the article with family and friends. Thanks!